Data transmission:
GPRS:GPRS Class12 downlink rate 85.6kbps uplink rate 42.8kbps
EDGE:EGPRS Class12 Downlink Rate 237kbps Uplink Rate (GPRS)42.8kbps
Gsm band:
GSM/GPRS/EDGE:850/900/1800/1900 MHz
GPRS/GSM 850/900:Power Class 4(+33dBm)
GPRS/GSM1800/1900:Power Class 1(+30dBm)
EDGE 850/900:Power Class E2(+27dBm)
EDGE 1800/1900:LPower Class E2(+26dBm)
Gsm sensitivity:
EGSM/DCS:<-102dBm / < -100dBm
Gps frequency band:
GPS sensitivity:
Acquisition: -148dBm(cold)/-163dBm(hot)
Tracking: -165dBM
Power consumption: Acq:37mW,Tracking:27mW
Main hardware functions:
Gravity sensing: built-in BOSCH triaxial
WIFI:802.11b/n/g n/g, supporting wifi hotspots
GPS: support global GPS and Beidou
Strong magnetism: Built-in strong magnetism
Distance sensing: supports light sensing
LED indicators: GPS (green), GSM (blue), Power (red)
SIM/USIM interface: Micro SIM
USB: supports Micro USB 5pin charging
Analog voice: built-in silicon microphone for remote monitoring
Main software functions:
Intelligent Wake-up/Sleep: Support
Periodic positioning: supported
Electronic fence: support
Overspeed alarm: support
(Light sense) Dismantling alarm: Support
AGPS: Support AGPS assisted positioning
Remote monitoring: support
System support:
IOS: support
Android: support
Networking mode:
GSM antenna: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
GPS antenna: Beidou, GPS/Galie,GLONASS
Multi-mode dual-star positioning /WIFI positioning/remote switching on/off/remote inquiry/recording saving/strong magnetic installation-free/silicon wheat noise reduction/track playback/electronic fence/vibration alarm/intelligent power saving/silent work /3D high-definition street view/mobile phone remote/second speed positioning/5m positioning accuracy/life waterproof/small size/long standby/lifetime free platform
Supported features:
Look at our details page in detail, and here are the general features of the products.
1. Accurate positioning, multi-mode set algorithm positioning, besides GPS positioning of general products, we can also use the surrounding WiFi signals for positioning, and the positioning is more accurate.
2. Small size, only the size of a thumb, convenient and easy to carry, from being discovered.
3. Innovative power saving function, with long standby time up to 180 days.
4. We have the function of automatic recording. After the mobile phone is connected, we can listen to it if we want, and all others must be connected before recording can be started. We have the function of automatic recognition of sound recording.
5. Built-in magnet, which can be adsorbed on metal surface at will.
6. Innovate and intelligently reduce noise, and hear more clearly.
Product: P6 GPS locator
Material: ABS
Color: black
Dimensions: 46*25*16MM
Working voltage: 3.5-4.2V DC
Working temperature-20℃ ~+70℃
Package Included:
1* locator 1* instruction 1* charging line
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